Tips for New Families
New Family Theater Cheat Sheet
(suggestions from other new families)
EHPA (Edmonds Heights Performing Arts) - this is the collective name for convenience purposes of all the performance classes offered by EHK12.
TAG (Theatre Advisory Group) - This group is organized for the purpose of supporting EHPA’s production process and coordinating and training volunteers, assisting the creative team, managing the theater budget, care for facilities, creating policies and procedures, and safety.
EHK12 PTSO or PTSO - This is the 501c3 associated with EHK12 that holds fiduciary responsibility to facilitate programs/groups/clubs at Edmonds Heights K-12 to fundraise by maintaining bank accounts to deposit funds, writing checks for the funds deposited, and providing balances when needed. The PTSO, to the best of its ability and understanding, follows all federal, state, and school district rules and laws relating to charitable donations and the use of funds. Any funds raised by a particular program/group/club are used for that program/group/club within the EHK12 community.
TECH WEEK – means that there is rehearsal every night the week prior to the performance. Be prepared to return to school for 3+ hour rehearsal evenings. If there is an event scheduled for your child's class level, this event will include the students.
CALL TIME - Call time is when your student needs to be in the choir/green room before a show. It is usually 1-2 hours before the showtime depending on each show and the level of makeup/hair/costume preparation needed. – THIS IS YOUR GO-TO RESOURCE. It is THE website for the shows performed at Edmonds Heights. This is the main resource for you to go to, to see the rehearsal calendar, to buy tickets, see the seating chart, log volunteer hours, find descriptions of volunteer positions and sign up for volunteer positions.
Facebook page – Edmonds Height K12 Performance Arts – watch for announcements. Official announcements will also be sent out in the Edmonds Heights Friday Newsletter.
Questions - Ask your volunteer coordinator if you have questions, they know how to get the answers.
Volunteering - If you are nervous about signing up for a position you do not know, the theater team is very helpful. There is training for most of the positions as well as specialists that are very approachable and can help you out.
Jobs after each performance, students help clean up dressing rooms and green room. After the last show, students should also take home personal items. Don't just leave. Parents/Students also participate in "strike" (dismantling sets and bagging costumes for cleaning).